IAS stands for Instalment Activity Statement. Think of it as a gap filler when you don’t have to lodge a BAS for a certain period.
Instalment Activity Statement
The Instalment Activity Statement (IAS) covers PAYG instalments, PAYG withholding and ABN withholding. These three – nothing else. So no GST.
Your IAS comes in, when a particular period is not covered by your BAS. For example, when you report PAYG W on a monthly basis but your GST on a quarterly basis.
PAYG Instalments
The ATO will tell you whether, when and how much you need to pay in PAYG instalments on your so-called instalment income.
Your instalment income includes dividends, interest, profits you made as a sole trader or through a partnership and other income that is not subject to any other withholding, but excluding capital gains.
PAYG Withholding
For PAYG withholding you are either a small, medium or large withholder depending on your PAYG withholding.
As a small withholder (less than $25,000 of PAYG W) you report and pay quarterly – through your BAS if you report GST quarterly, otherwise your IAS.
As a medium withholder ($25k to $1m of PAYG W) you report and pay monthly – whether through your BAS or IAS depends on what you do for GST.
Large withholders (more tha $1m) are complicated, so let’s put those aside.
ABN Withholding
If a supplier does not provide an ABN to you for goods and services of more than $75 (excluding GST), you need to withhold the top rate of tax from the payment and report this through your IAS or BAS.