9 Arguments AGAINST Child Support ASSESSMENTS
There is no size fits all. For some, assessments are the way to go. For others, an agreement is a much better fit. And for a few, a combination of both works best.
Child support assessments have quite a few downsides. Nobody ever said they are ideal. So it comes down to weighing up the pros and cons of each solution.
So here are 9 reasons why assessments might not be for you – looking at it from the paying parent’s perspective (if you are the one receiving child support, some of this works the other way for you).
1 – Loss of Privacy
You have Services Australia poking around in your family affairs and your Ex talking to them about you. Neither of which is great.
2 – Big Brother Watching
You already have the ATO on your back. Now you also have Services Australia taking an active interest in how much you earn. And the two are talking to each other. Think double Big Brother.
If your tax set-up is already standing on wobbly legs, you don’t want to put more weight onto it.
3 – Services Australia Not on Your Side
Services Australia is meant to be impartial. However, the more you pay, the less Services Australia has to pay out in Family Tax Benefits, so it doesn’t take Einstein to work out how this one will go.